About the CDP
The Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), an assessment instrument measuring conflict behaviors, is an excellent resource to increase self-awareness and improve conflict management skills. The CDP is unlike any other assessment tool in that it focuses specifically on conflict behaviors, rather than styles. It helps individuals and teams understand how they respond to conflict, what triggers can escalate conflict, and how to manage conflict more effectively.
Two versions of the instrument—the CDP-Individual (CDP-I) and CDP-360— emphasize an action-oriented approach which leads to real improvement. A thorough Development Guide provides information and tips for coping with conflict and building strong interpersonal relationships.
As a “self-report,” the (CDP-I) looks at how you view yourself. It provides a simple way of helping you understand more about how you respond to conflict both behaviorally and emotionally.
The CDP-360 enables you to compare your own perceptions about how you behave during conflict with those of your colleagues. It provides a complete “conflict profile” with feedback from bosses, peers, and direct reports. The CDP-360 is particularly helpful for leaders, managers, and high-potential employees for whom conflict can be particularly challenging.
In addition to feedback on 15 scales, both versions of the CDP have a unique “hot buttons” section which identifies the emotional triggers that negatively impact relationships.
CDP-I Benefits
Quick and easy administration
Inexpensive pricing
Behavioral feedback which is easy to understand
Information on emotional aspects of conflict
Abbreviated Development Guide
Group reports for intact teams
CDP-360 Benefits
In-depth view of conflict behaviors
Detailed analysis of the 15 scales
Perceptions of colleagues
Comprehensive Development Guide
Concrete suggestions for improving behavior patterns
Group reports for intact teams
Using the CDP
Since the topic of conflict is so universal, there are numerous ways to use the CDP. From leadership development training with individuals and teams to coaching settings with high-potential managers, the CDP can identify both strengths as well as problem areas.
Orientation Programs
The CDP is an excellent tool to explore how conflict is being managed in an organization. The language of the instrument provides an excellent starting point for how to describe and measure a desired approach to workplace conflict. By learning these new components as part of an orientation session, new employees can adjust their personal behavior to match up with the cultural norms of the organization.
Team Conflict
The CDP is particularly helpful in team settings. In addition to each individual report, a group report can be generated that outlines team behaviors and responses.
This report often opens up the door for effective conversations about acceptable responses to conflict and hot button triggers. Members of the team learn how certain behaviors might inadvertently trigger irritation in their colleagues as well as how to avoid pushing these hot buttons.
When a client is sensitive to feedback from others or reluctant to use a multi-rater instrument, the CDP can still be used to focus on conflict patterns. The CDP helps the client consider his or her responses to conflict and provides comparisons to a large norm group. It can be a helpful first step in diagnosing areas of strength and developmental opportunities.
The CDP can be used in numerous ways by mediators. It is an invaluable tool in expanding parties’ awareness of emotional triggers and potential destructive responses which every mediator seeks to avoid within the mediation process. It also provides a deeper level of understanding of the patterns of behaviour and interpersonal dynamics that mediators are challenged to manage in mediation and how to positively influence the conflict behaviours of parties.
The CDP is also an excellent pre-mediation tool which can be used effectively to prepare parties for mediation. It provides them with greater clarity in relation to those behaviours of others that trigger them into conflict and clearly demonstrates the choices they can make in whether they can respond constructively or destructively to the conflict within which they find themselves. It enables you as mediator to focus the parties on behaviours rather than on personalities.
When mediating with teams, the CDP can be particularly helpful. It often opens the door for effective conversations about acceptable responses to conflict and emotional triggers and the conflict culture of the team. Members of the team learn how certain behaviours might inadvertently trigger irritation in their colleagues as well as how to avoid pushing these hot buttons and behave constructively.