Bring people together using the most effective method for achieving strong, fast, and affordable resolution.

What is mediation?
Mediation is a conflict resolution process in which a neutral mediator assists parties through constructive discussion and negotiation of their issues in order to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. Every year, thousands of individuals choose to use mediation as an alternative to the traditional court system in order to save time, money and to have more control of the outcome of their case. We provide mediation services and mediation training.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) describes various techniques to help conflicting parties resolve disputes without the “win-lose” constraints of litigation (court or jury trial). Mediation, Structured Negotiation and Collaborative Law are three types of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
As certified mediators, we work closely with the conflicting parties, listen to all sides of the dispute, help identify areas of concern, and work with them to explore underlying interests and possible solutions.

Certified Workplace Mediator and Trainer (CMT) Program
The Certified Workplace Mediator and Trainer (CMT) program teaches participants the necessary skills to both resolve conflicts directly as well as train others on workplace conflict resolution strategies. In this 5-day course, participants learn how to mediate workplace conflict, resolve their own conflict situations and train others on effective workplace conflict resolution strategies. This comprehensive course teaches participants core competencies in mediation and conflict resolution as well as advanced skills to help others work through impasses when resolving conflict. As part of the training, each participant is certified in both Workplace Mediation and the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP).