Assessment Scales
Constructive Behavioral Scales:
Destructive Behavioral Scales:
Hot Button Scales:
Perspective Taking – Putting yourself in the other person’s position and trying to understand that person’s point of view.
Creating Solutions – Brainstorming with the other person, asking questions, and trying to create solutions to the problem.
Expressing Emotions – Talking honestly with the other person and expressing your thoughts and feelings.
Reaching Out – Reaching out to the other person, making the first move, and trying to make amends.
Reflective Thinking – Analyzing the situation, weighing the pros and cons, and thinking about the best response.
Delay Responding – Waiting things out, letting matters settle down, or taking a “time out” when emotions are running high.
Adapting – Staying flexible, and trying to make the best of the situation.
Winning at All Costs – Arguing vigorously for your own position and trying to win at all costs.
Displaying Anger – Expressing anger, raising your voice, and using harsh, angry words.
Demeaning Others – Laughing at the other person, ridiculing the other’s ideas, and using sarcasm.
Retaliating – Obstructing the other person, retaliating against the other, and trying to get revenge.
Avoiding – Avoiding or ignoring the other person, and acting distant and aloof.
Yielding – Giving in to the other person in order to avoid further conflict.
Hiding Emotions – Concealing your true emotions even though feeling upset.
Self-Criticizing – Replaying the incident over in your mind, and criticizing yourself for not handling it better.
Unreliable – Those who are unreliable, miss deadlines and cannot be counted on.
Overly-Analytical – Those who are perfectionists, over-analyze things and focus too much on minor issues.
Unappreciative – Those who fail to give credit to others or seldom praise good performance.
Aloof – Those who isolate themselves, do not seek input from others or are hard to approach.
Micro-Managing – Those who constantly monitor and check up on the work of others.
Self-Centered – Those who are self-centered or believe they are always correct.
Abrasive – Those who are arrogant, sarcastic and abrasive.
Untrustworthy – Those who exploit others, take undeserved credit or cannot be trusted.
Hostile – Those who lose their tempers, become angry, or yell at others.