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The destination for leaders who seek to manage conflict, mediate conflict, and increase leadership competencies within the workplace.

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What is a Conflict Dynamics Profile?


Conflict Dynamics Profile

The Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), an assessment instrument measuring conflict behaviors, is an excellent resource to increase self-awareness and improve conflict management skills. The CDP is unlike any other assessment tool in that it focuses specifically on conflict behaviors, rather than styles. It helps individuals and teams understand how they respond to conflict, what triggers can escalate conflict, and how to manage conflict more effectively.

Two versions of the instrument—the CDP-Individual (CDP-I) and CDP-360— emphasize an action-oriented approach which leads to real improvement. A thorough Development Guide provides information and tips for coping with conflict and building strong interpersonal relationships.


As a “self-report,” the (CDP-I) looks at how you view yourself. It provides a simple way of helping you understand more about how you respond to conflict both behaviorally and emotionally.


The CDP-360 enables you to compare your own perceptions about how you behave during conflict with those of your colleagues. It provides a complete “conflict profile” with feedback from bosses, peers, and direct reports. The CDP-360 is particularly helpful for leaders, managers, and high-potential employees for whom conflict can be particularly challenging.

In addition to feedback on 15 scales, both versions of the CDP have a unique “hot buttons” section which identifies the emotional triggers that negatively impact relationships.


About N2B Solutions Group, LLC.

We aim to empower leaders to keeping a grip on employee conduct and conflicts of Interest

N2B Solutions Group, LLC. is a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business.  We specialize in Conflict Management, Conflict Assessments, Mediation, Mediation in the Workplace Certification, & Leadership Development. Our mission is to build strategic partnerships with organizations by maximizing performance while reducing conflict in the workplace.

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“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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